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  • Nassau County Educational Article of the Month - Should I Ever Poison a Pigeon?

Should I Ever Poison a Pigeon?

Every family deserves a clean and pest-free home. However, Nassau County pigeons are persistent animals that thrive in urban and rural areas where humans live. They can be found roosting in the attic, windowsills, garage, roofs and other parts of the house with empty spaces. When problems on pigeon infestation arise, one of the ways to exterminate them you might think is to poison them all. However, you need to think twice before doing it.

How to spot a New York pigeon in your house
The following are clues that a mouse or its group live in your house:
• There are visible pigeon droppings all over the place.
• There are possible nesting places where female pigeons lay eggs
• Pigeon feathers scattered all over the place

Poisoning a pigeon
Poisoning is one of the traditional and common practices to pestering animals like pigeons. However, there are few things you need to consider before placing those harmful substances in your house that can kill a Nassau County pigeon.

• Effects to humans. Poisons for New York pigeons have tainted smell than can harm humans inside and outside the house. There is also a possibility that the poison will harm other water and food sources that can eventually affect humans in the end.

• Effects to household pets and domesticated animals. It is not advised to poison pigeons especially if you have pets at home. Pets might eat the poisonous substance and it can kill them instantly.

• Sick pigeons may cause further problems. As soon as the pigeon gets poisoned and got sick, it will seek a secluded place in your house it can access such as the ceiling or worse, between walls. Once it gets sick inside, it will not be able to get out and will eventually die in there. Once the sick Nassau County pigeon died in one of those places, it will emit faulty odor that will fill the whole house, which can cause you a bigger problem for you and for the whole family as well.

Other methods to get rid of a pigeon
There are other several effective methods to get rid of a New York pigeon without poisoning it. Among these methods include the use of an exclusion wire, a live or cage trap, an electric shock, netting methods or sticky glue. You can also seek the help of a professional pest control service or animal control in your community to help you with your problem.

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